

cartoon rodents


Seeing rats and mice anywhere especially in your home can cause fear to many people.   It seems that during the fall and winter months the amount of rodent issues in the home increases to 45 percent. It is that time of year that mice and rats tend to move indoors in search of food, water and shelter, it’s important to be aware of the signs of a rodent infestation.

An interesting fact about mice and rats – they have been around for two to four million years and most likely annoyed our prehistoric ancestors’ when they established a campsite.  The rodents were attracted by the warmth of the fire and of course the food.

Here are a few things to look for if you think you might have an infestation - seeing mice or rat droppings in your home is one of the most common signs of a rodent infestation. These pellets are often left behind in places where food is stored as well as under sinks, inside chewed cardboard boxes, along baseboards and on top of wall beams. Mouse feces can carry harmful bacteria, transmit serious diseases such as salmonella and Hantavirus, and trigger allergies so prompt removal using protective gloves is important in keeping your family safe from the potential health threats posed by these critters.

Rodents can cause serious property damage by chewing through almost any type of material – including plastic and lead pipes – to obtain food or water. House mice and Norway rats are also known to gnaw on wires behind walls, which can increase the risk for a fire in the home – look out for gnaw marks around the house, as this is a clear sign of a rodent infestation.  Both mice and rats prefer to nest in a dark secluded area and they build their nests out of shredded paper products, cotton, packing materials, wall insulation and fabrics. If you see these materials scattered around the home, it might be time to call in a licensed pest professional to perform an inspection.

Rats tend to leave dark grease or dirt marks along walls and floorboards as they follow a trail throughout the home between their nest and food. Keep an eye out for these rub marks, which are actually caused by the rat’s oily fur. Also if you are hearing strange noises in the walls, especially at night, can be a bit concerning - chances are these sounds can be attributed to a family of rodents scurrying about the house, between the walls and up in attics. Make sure to keep this area well ventilated and dry, and opt to store your belongings in sealed plastic containers rather than cardboard boxes.  

Act quickly - mice can breed rapidly, so if you spot one mouse in the house, it’s likely there are others playing hide and seek. In fact, a female house mouse can give birth to a half dozen babies every three weeks, up to 35 young per year. That’s a lot of mice! 

Rodents are not all bad – they can be very useful as research animals – a lot of our pharmaceuticals are tested on them before they are okayed for human use.  They are also used in behavioral studies.  In the wild they help serve the environment by eating millions of insects keeping a balance so we are not overrun by them.  In turn rats and mice serve as a food source to animals you find in the wild.

GLOBAL PEST SERVICES in Las Vegas is a licensed pest control company that is qualified to handle all your pest elimination needs.  We also like to inform you with interesting facts about insects.  Call our office at 702-657-0091 or go to our web site- to speak with us for all your pest control needs.  Get a quote now!

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