Over the years spiders have adapted to every type of climate and habitat – here in the Las Vegas area they can be found from Boulder City to Summerlin.
Spiders are one of the top 10 most diverse populations on earth. They play vital roles in all ecosystems -except in your home. The following facts about spiders will help you learn more about these eight-legged pests, some of which might appear in your backyard this summer and fall.
All spiders produce silk Something common to all 40,000 species of spiders is that they all spin silk. One spider can produce up to seven different types, each used for a different purpose such as spinning webs or capturing prey.
Spiders are nearsighted Most spiders have eight eyes, but some, like the brown recluse spider, only have six. Spiders typically have a main set that can create images while the secondary sets can only detect light and shadow. But even with all of those eyes, spiders cannot see far into the distance. Nearsightedness is a problem for people, but the habits of spiders are such that being nearsighted isn't a deficiency. They wait for prey to get caught in their webs and use silk trip wires to warn of approaching predators.
Jumping spiders can jump up to 50x their own length When hunting or trying to escape a predator, jumping spiders are able to make very agile movements and jump multiple times their body length. This is possible due to an internal hydraulic system. Jumping spiders can alter the pressure of fluids in their legs resulting in a springing motion that propels the spiders forward.
Females can lay up to 3,000 eggs at one time These eggs are housed in one or more silk sacs. The level of care a female spider provides for her young varies by species. Some females will die shortly after laying eggs while others will carry spiderlings on their backs or share prey with them.
The 'daddy long-legs' you see might not actually be a spider The nickname 'daddy long-legs' has been given to several different pests, only one of which is an actual spider. Crane flies, harvestmen and cellar spiders have all been called “daddy long legs” but the only one that is actually a spider is the cell spider.
GLOBAL PEST SERVICES in Las Vegas is a licensed pest control company that is qualified to handle all your pest elimination needs including all varieties of SPIDERS. Call our office at 702-657-0091 or go to our web site- to speak with us for all your pest control needs. Get a quote now!
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